Discover At a Glance
- CGSS started the “Free Educational Program” in April 2009.
- CGSS is the only institution in Sargodha with this initiative.
- Students learn basic subjects (English, Urdu, Mathematics) and The Holy Quran (Nazra).
- Trained pedagogues supervise education with a focus on moral and spiritual values.
- A “Golden period” is arranged for students every 15 days for spiritual and moral development.
- CGSS provides access to extracurricular activities, enrichment programs, modern facilities, and a library.
- Students also learn the skill of stitching.
- CGSS believes education is a powerful tool for social change.
- The free educational program reflects CGSS’s commitment to a positive impact on students and the community.
- CGSS boasts a beautiful building, best furniture, and equipped facilities. Free stationery and uniforms are provided to students.