• 048-3750035
  • cgs.sgd@gmail.com
  • Head office, Sr. Boys campus: 29 B, Ghulshan Avenue P.A.F Link Road Sargodha.
  • School Library

    The CGSS school library is a special place where students can find lots of books, e-books, and other resources. It has nice corners to read and study quietly. The library is a comfortable and friendly spot where students can explore new topics, do research, and enjoy learning. Librarians are there to help students find what they need and learn how to use information well

    CGSS Library: Explore, Learn, Enjoy

    1. Many books, e-books, and other resources to explore.
    2. Quiet corners and areas to read and study.
    3. A friendly place to learn and discover new things.
    4. A place to develop a love for reading and learning.
    5. Books and resources cover many different topics.
    6. Makes learning easier and more fun.
    7. Librarians to help students find books and learn how to use information.