• 048-3750035
  • cgs.sgd@gmail.com
  • Head office, Sr. Boys campus: 29 B, Ghulshan Avenue P.A.F Link Road Sargodha.
  • Flood Donations Campaign

    Fund Collecting Campaign for Flood Victims

    CGSS unites for flood relief, donating clothing, hygiene items, and non-perishables. Through tuck shops, funds are raised, and goods are distributed to affected areas. This embodies our mission to foster compassion and social responsibility in our students, teaching the power of collective action for positive impact.

    CGSS Flood Aid

    • Helping Flood-Affected Areas:
      • CGSS is helping areas affected by floods.
      • Students, staff, and parents are giving things like clothes and hygiene items.
      • Everyone in the school is involved to help as much as possible.
    • Learning More Than Textbooks:
      • CGSS wants students to learn about being responsible and helping each other.
      • We do activities together to help in floods.
      • We have shops in school to collect money, and then we buy and give things to areas in need.
    • CGSS Solidarity in Action:
      • CGSS showing togetherness by giving things for floods.
      • It’s part of the school’s goal to make caring and thoughtful students.
      • Together, we learn about caring for others, being strong, and doing good things for the world.