• 048-3750035
  • cgs.sgd@gmail.com
  • Head office, Sr. Boys campus: 29 B, Ghulshan Avenue P.A.F Link Road Sargodha.
  • CGSS Free Educational Program

    CGSS Free Educational Program

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    CGSS carries the honor to be the only institution of Sargodha that started the program of “Free Educational Program” in April 2009.  We offer a comprehensive and enriching free educational program designed to empower students who can’t afford to pay the heavy fee of institutions.

    This initiative reflects our belief in the transformative power of education and the principle that no student should be hindered by financial constraints.

    This phrontistery owns a beautiful building; with the best furniture & equipped. Also provide “Free stationery & uniform ” to the students to relieve their burden. The students are made to learn basic subjects (English, Urdu, Mathematics) & The Holy Quran (Nazra) under the supervision of trained & skillful pedagogues The pedestal of the institution is based to give them moral & spiritual values., After every 15 days, a Golden period is arranged for the students in which they are taught to become strong spiritually & morally and to please our Holy Prophet SAWW.

    Beyond the classroom, our program extends to extracurricular activities and enrichment programs, and our students have access to modern facilities and library. And they made to learn the skill of stitching.

    At CGSS, we believe that education is a powerful tool for social change, and our free educational program is a testament to our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of students and the community at large.

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